Dr Rohan Parhar (Medical Director) from Parhar Hospital, Guru Hargobind Nagar, Phagwara has brought in advanced technology for Robot Joint Replacement Surgeries Punjab's 1st Ever Fully Automatic Surgery Centre was launched by Guests of Honour KK Sardana (Industrialist) & Anita Som Prakash (Social Worker & Wife of Som Prakash: Union Minister of State for Commerce & Industry, Government of India) at Cabbana Resorts. Dr Rohan Singh Parhar (Advanced Robotic Joint Replacement and Complex Trauma Surgeon) said that although robotic technology is already available in many hospitals, regarding. knee shoulder and hip replacement replacement with state-of-the-art and fully automatic robotic technology, Parhar Hospital is the first hospital not only in Punjab but also in North India to have the facility of changing the Joints. He added that fully robotic surgery would result in shorter hospital stays for patients, less blood consumption during operations, fewer incisions, faster recovery with fewer stitches, and less pain and discomfort. On this occasion, Dr Rohan's father Dr Amrik Singh Parhar (MBBS/MS, Ortho) said that a new era of orthopedic surgery with a fully robotic system will start, where it will bring unprecedented benefits to the patients and be more economical. There will be no financial burden on the patients as everyone will get the Most Advanced Technology at affordable rates. Dr Rohan is M.B.B.S,DNB(ORTHO) MNAMS) and ARTHROPLASTY TRAUMA SURGEON. He has participated as faculty in New Delhi at north India's first robotic knee joint replacement conference (Robocon 1.0) at Sant Parmanand Hospital (New Delhi). He taught Faculty At Delhi & Punjab At Consecutive Weekends where he Gained Knowledge Imparted as well and it was all For Academics! He is proud To Represent IMA "Phagwara City " At National Level! He has recently visited Goa, Pune, New Delhi, Mumbai, Amritsar, and Patiala For Various National Conferences as a Faculty For Teaching And Presenting his Work in Phagwara. Some Of It Is A Benchmark a Guiding Principle To Many Other Orthopaedic Surgeons All Over The Country. The launch included the unveiling of the Robot on the Stage by the above Guests of Honour and Dr Rohan Singh Parhar along with his family members Dr Amrik Singh Parhar (Father), Harmeet Kaur Parhar (Mother), Dr Parul Arora (Wife) Vir Singh Parhar (Son) The event welcomed another VIP Guest: Deepak Bali, Advisor (Art, culture, and Language), Government of Delhi.